
Thursday, 31 May 2012

4 weeks and 1 day

Video Blog. Now I know its al a bit higgle D piggldy, but Ill get the hang of it by tomorrow.
Big hugs, and remember, add some comments, tell me what your up to, what you want me to include in the blog!!!

Sue Flay

I bumped into Sue Flay the other day...
Thats why I'm now clean eating!!!!
4-weeks post operation and feeling smoking baby!!!!

Well.....not quite, but definately feeling better. Have stuck to the clean eating now for 2 days, and above is an example of my meal 3- Mackeral, quinoa, mixed leaf salad and cucumber.
Following meals of the day included, sweet potato and cottage cheese,along with 2 apples and a handful of nuts, and finally a 1 whole egg/2 egg whites, spinach, 2 mushrroms and tomato omelette.

Ive been having a glass of milk in the evening to help with the bone healing process, I normally wouldnt allow milk on such a programme.

Ive done some dodgy video camera blogs but am havin trouble downlaoding them onto here, so will try them on you tube later and Ill get those on asap.

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Morning fitness people,

Did anybody see the 'torch' in Chester last night? If so, send me your pictures and i'll post them on here. Send them to
Mr Locke (of of The Laugh Inn and Commercial) called me whilst it was going past, so felt like i'd been there in spirit, as im still unable to drive for another 2-3 weeks.
The sun is shining and the quote for today is
' you create your own universe as you go along.' - Winston Churchill.

Here's a couple of pictures from one of my blog viewers who was in Chester as the torch passed through.

Ive started the day today with a 20 minute (light!!!!) Pilates workout, focusing on strengthening and mobilising the thoracic spine and lengthening the hip flexors and mobilising the rotator cuff muscles.
My sternum and ribs were opened up during open heart surgery, 4 weeks today, and this has caused my chest muscles to become very tight, and shoulder protract forwards, and so slowly, but surely, im trying to open out these muscles and retract the shoulders back. I am acheiveing this through Pilates.
Yesterday I completed 2.8 miles walking ( in 2 hits) at a constant speed of 3.3mph (whooo, sooo speedy i hear you say... not!!)
Today I will be increasing that to 3.4 miles, so will keep you posted.

Nutrition wise, Ill include some pictures later of Darlo's clean living dishes, reciepes and full programme will be available in 12 weeks.

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Day 1 (day 28 post op) video blog

Hi there guys,
Well, here we are. Day 1 of my fitness and health blog post aortic valve replacement. Its actually 28 days post operation, but i've just managed to get out of hospital yesterday, so wanted to share with you, my journey from zero fitness to hopefully a superfit super toned super instructor. Im hoping I can inspire people when feeling low and help people on a journey to becoming healthier and adopting a more positive attitude to life.
Now it's up to you, if you would like me to go over the basics of my operation, I can do, as i've kept a diary, complete with pictures and so if we get enough requests then I will post these up too.
But this is more about the journey forward.
I'll be sharing with you nutrition tips, fitness tips, motivational quotes, latest trends in fitness and basically anything fitness or health like. Along with many pictures and a daily video (which I hate taking), but wanting to break into the world of TV presenting will require me to overcome such barriers and 'get on with it'. I want to include as many of my beautiful friends and family in this blog spot, so let me know if you'd like to star in this too.